We are serious when it comes to "conditioning" !!
Coming to ATCSports as of this week ! The conditioning type of training that can be done in small groups - under current covid constrictions ! No excuses ! For near any kind of athlete .... soccer, volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis, squash, bandminton, martial arts, strength sport (squat balance), general agility ..
To boost : Depth perception, Near/Far quickness, Multiple object tracking, Reaction time, Target Capture, Eye hand coordination, Go No Go, Balance, Eye Foot coordination ..
Strobe Eyewear is training equipment designed to help athletes strengthen the connection between the eyes, the brain and the body. It brings old methods of vision blocking and strobe-effect training into the modern era for the modern athlete.
Using liquid crystal technology, the Senaptec Strobe Eyewear lenses flicker between clear and opaque, removing visual information and allowing the athlete to become more efficient with the information they are given. It is a powerful tool to train the senses and ultimately “slow the game down.”
Be on the lookout for our service offerings ! Interested ? Contact us !
The ATC Team